Drones have revolutionized bird diverter installations. Once hard-to-access sites, such as mountains or wetlands, are easily reached by drone.
If you have a bird diverter project and you're not sure whether it's feasible to install by drone, contact us for advice. We can complete a basic desktop study (free of charge), to give you an idea of whether drones are suitable for your project.
With full training and CAA permissions for commercial operations, drone flights are safe.
Using drones takes less time to install bird diverters. Using a cutting edge payload drone we can install up to 400 bird diverters per day.
Drones have cut the costs of bird diverter installation, with smaller crews, less time on site, and no requirements for rigging crews or helicopters.
Drones can easily traverse rugged terrain and wetlands, where traditional equipment simply cannot go.
Trust the experts to deliver your bird diverter installation safely, within budget and on time.
Get the equipment and training to confidently and safely install bird diverters on your sites.
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CROCFAST® bird diverters